To Log into the WordPress back-end, visit and enter your username & password.
Blog Posts
Posts are the content appearing in the Blog section of the website. You can add, update and delete posts – which you can read more about below.
Add a Post
- In the back-end of WordPress, hover over Posts in the left hand column and click on Add New.
- Alternatively, you can click on Posts in the left hand column, and then click the Add New button at the top of the page.
- Main Content:
- Title – enter a title for your blog post
- Post Content — this is the body copy for your blog post
- Featured Image — although not required, this is highly recommended since the blog landing page shows an image
- Categories — select from the provided categories or add a new category. When a category is not selected, it will default to ‘Uncategorized.’
- Authors
- Select the name of the person you’d like to display as the author of a post
- Single Post section (optional):
The Single Post section displays as a sidebar on the front end. You have the option to add the following:- Related Posts – select which (if any) related posts you’d like to display in the sidebar
- Callouts – choose from any of the callouts that have been created in the ‘Callouts’ main tab
- Excerpt:
- The excerpt content is the text that will appear on the blog landing page. If not excerpt is provided, content will be pulled from the main body copy (WYSIWYG editor). It is recommended that you provide an excerpt so you have full control over what content appears on the landing page.
- Click Publish in the top right
Update a Post
- In the back-end of WordPress click on Posts in the left hand column, and then click the title of the Post you’d like to update.
- Update the post content and click Update in the top right.
Delete a Post
- In the back-end of WordPress click on Posts in the left hand column, and then hover over the title of the Post you’d like to update.
- Click on the Trash link that appears below the title.
- To undo a delete, click on the Trash link above the list of Posts, find the post you’d like to restore and click the Restore link.
- Alternatively, you can delete a post by viewing the edit page for the specific post, and clicking Move to Trash in the top right, next to the Update button.
Add a Page
- In the back-end of WordPress, hover over Pages in the left hand column and click on Add New.
- Alternatively, you can click on Pages in the left hand column, and then click the Add New button at the top of the page.
- Except for those pages with a specific template (listed below), each page provides the following editable options:
- Content Area:
- In the WYWISYG editor, add your main body copy
- Sidebar Callout:
- If you’d like a callout to appear in the sidebar, choose from the list provided
- NOTE: For the About page, a sidebar that lists pages nested under ‘About’ will dynamically be pulled in
- Content Area:
Update a Page
- In the back-end of WordPress click on Pages in the left hand column, and then click the title of the Page you’d like to update.
- Update any of the fields in the main content area and sidebar
Delete a Page
- In the back-end of WordPress click on Pages in the left hand column, and then hover over the title of the Page you’d like to update.
- Click on the Trash link that appears below the title.
- To undo a delete, click on the Trash link above the list of Pages, find the page you’d like to restore and click the Restore link.
- Alternatively, you can delete a page by viewing the edit page for the specific page, and clicking Move to Trash in the top right, next to the Update button.
Page Templates
Certain pages have a specific template associated with them since they have specialized fields and content. These pages include: Programs, Events, Exhibits, Contemporary Jewish Culture, Social Justice, Holocaust Education, Educator Resources, and any form pages.
- Page Template for Programs: Programs
- Page Template for Exhibits: Events/Exhibits
- Page Template for Events: Events/Exhibits
- Page Template for Contemporary Jewish Culture, Social Justice, Holocaust Education: Topics
- Page Template for Educator Resources: Portal Archive
- Page Template for Book a Program, Book a Tour, etc.: Forms
To select the appropriate template, go to the page in the WordPress admin area. In the right-hand sidebar under Page Attributes, you’ll see a Template dropdown menu. Select the appropriate template based on the information above.
Programs and Events/Exhibit Template
Although the Programs and Events/Exhibits pages are slightly different, the templates include the following editable options:
- Page Title
- Page Subhead – add an optional subhead that will appear below the Title
- Featured Item – choose on item to be the featured item
NOTE: The rest of the content on these pages is pulled in dynamically based on the post type. The Program page features a carousel, while the Events and Exhibits pages do not.
Topics Template
The Topics Template is used for the Contemporary Jewish Culture page, Social Justice page and Holocaust Education page. These pages have a very specific design and are limited to the fields below:
- Intro Text — This text appears below main header title
- Featured Image — this is the background image that will appear behind the top header area
- Programs — select up to 2 Programs
- Events — select up to 3 Events
- Exhibits — select up to 1 Exhibit
Portal Archive Template
The Portal section automatically brings in posts from the Portal Files tab.
- WYSIWYG Editor — Add intro text to this page within the editor
- Sidebar Portal section — Add an optional portal sidebar with a Title, Description and Link
The homepage has a unique layout and specific field options that can be edited, which include:
- Hero Block (up to 3) — a hero block displays one of the 3 main buckets (Social Justice, Holocaust Education or Contemporary Jewish Culture). Each block includes the following:
- Title
- Intro Text
- Link — link to the appropriate internal page
- Link Text (e.g., Learn More)
- Related Link List — this will be the name of the link and the page the link will direct to
- Background Image — select a background image for each block
- Callouts (up to 3) — select which (if any) callouts you’d like to appear on the homepage
- Program, Events and Exhibits Carousel (up to 6 for each category) — the Program Carousel is the default carousel that will appear when the homepage is loaded. Choose up to 6 post types for each category.
Callouts can be used on different sections of the site to highlight information in a sidebar area.
Add a Callout
- In the back-end of WordPress, hover over Callouts in the left hand column and click on Add New.
- Alternatively, you can click on Callouts in the left hand column, and then click the Add New button at the top of the page.
- Enter the link (internal or external) and upload an image for the callout
Update a Callout
- In the back-end of WordPress click on Callouts in the left hand column, and then click the title of the Callout you’d like to update.
- Update any of the fields in the main content area and sidebar.
Delete a Callout
- In the back-end of WordPress click on Callout in the left hand column, and then hover over the title of the Callout you’d like to update.
- Click on the Trash link that appears below the title.
- To undo a delete, click on the Trash link above the list of Callouts, find the callout you’d like to restore and click the Restore link.
- Alternatively, you can delete a page by viewing the edit page for the specific callout, and clicking Move to Trash in the top right, next to the Update button.
Portal Files
Portal files appear on the page with the Portal Archive Template. Posts added within this section will automatically appear on the Portal page.
Add a Portal File
- In the back-end of WordPress, hover over Portal Files in the left hand column and click on Add New.
- Alternatively, you can click on Portal Files in the left hand column, and then click the Add New button at the top of the page.
Update a Portal Files
- In the back-end of WordPress click on Portal Files in the left hand column, and then click the title of the Portal Files you’d like to update.
- Update any of the fields in the main content area and sidebar.
Delete a Portal Files
- In the back-end of WordPress click on Portal Files in the left hand column, and then hover over the title of the Portal Files you’d like to update.
- Click on the Trash link that appears below the title.
- To undo a delete, click on the Trash link above the list of Portal Files, find the Portal File you’d like to restore and click the Restore link.
- Alternatively, you can delete a page by viewing the edit page for the specific Portal File, and clicking Move to Trash in the top right, next to the Update button.
Add a Program
- In the back-end of WordPress, hover over Programs in the left hand column and click on Add New.
- Alternatively, you can click on Programs in the left hand column, and then click the Add New button at the top of the page.
- Complete fields under Item Content and Item Content Details
- Item Content — these are the fields for the main body content
- Intro Text — optional text that is displayed below the Post Title
- Gallery — optional photo gallery
- Content Excerpt — used to display a small snippet of text on the Program landing page
- Content Block
- Text Block — WYSIWYG editor for large blocks of copy
- Bio — displays a bio
- Sponsors — add a list of sponsors
- Header — main header for the section (e.g., Gold Sponsors)
- Intro Text — intro content about the sponsors
- Size — choose from large, medium or small logo sizes
- Sponsor Details
- Type — choose whether you want to display the sponsor name or logo
- Logo/Name — depending on the Type you choose above, you’ll be able to upload either a logo or type in a sponsor Name
- Url — link to the sponsor website
- Call to Action — enter call-to-action text in the WYSIWYG editor
- Show More — display up to 4 post types to appear at the bottom of the Programs page. If no post types are selected, these will automatically be pulled in.
- Item Content Details — these are the optional fields for the sidebar content
- Hide Sidebar — check this box if you’d like to hide the sidebar completely
- Register Link — enter the url of the registration link
- Register Text — enter the text of the register text
- Start Date
- End Date
- Start Time — enter in the following format (7:30)
- Start Period — select AM or PM
- End Time — enter in the following format (7:30)
- End Period — select AM or PM
- Location — type in the location
- Cost — enter details associated with the cost
- Sold Out — check this box if the program is sold out
- Accessibility — select what type of accessibility is available
- More Information — add button text and content that will open up in a modal window
- Callout — choose which (if any) callouts to display
- Item Content — these are the fields for the main body content
- In the sidebar, select a program Type (Jewish Culture, Holocaust Education, Social Justice) and upload a featured image.
Update a Program
- In the back-end of WordPress click on Programs in the left hand column, and then click the title of the Programs you’d like to update.
- Update any of the fields in the main content area and sidebar.
Delete a Program
- In the back-end of WordPress click on Programs in the left hand column, and then hover over the title of the Programs you’d like to update.
- Click on the Trash link that appears below the title.
- To undo a delete, click on the Trash link above the list of Programs, find the Programs you’d like to restore and click the Restore link.
- Alternatively, you can delete a Program by viewing the edit page for the specific Program, and clicking Move to Trash in the top right, next to the Update button.
Add Events
- In the back-end of WordPress, hover over Events in the left hand column and click on Add New.
- Alternatively, you can click on Events in the left hand column, and then click the Add New button at the top of the page.
- Complete fields under Item Content and Item Content Details – for detailed information on what is editable, view the ‘Add a Program‘ section under the ‘Programs‘
- In the sidebar, select a program Type (Jewish Culture, Holocaust Education, Social Justice) and upload a featured image.
Update an Event
- In the back-end of WordPress click on Events in the left hand column, and then click the title of the Event you’d like to update.
- Update any of the fields in the main content area and sidebar.
Delete an Event
- In the back-end of WordPress click on Events in the left hand column, and then hover over the title of the Events you’d like to update.
- Click on the Trash link that appears below the title.
- To undo a delete, click on the Trash link above the list of Events, find the Events you’d like to restore and click the Restore link.
- Alternatively, you can delete an Event by viewing the edit page for the specific Event, and clicking Move to Trash in the top right, next to the Update button.
Add Exhibits
- In the back-end of WordPress, hover over Exhibits in the left hand column and click on Add New.
- Alternatively, you can click on Events in the left hand column, and then click the Add New button at the top of the page.
- Complete fields under Item Content and Item Content Details – for details information on what is editable, view the ‘Add a Program‘ section under the ‘Programs‘
- In the sidebar, select a program Type (Jewish Culture, Holocaust Education, Social Justice) and upload a featured image.
Update an Event
- In the back-end of WordPress click on Exhibits in the left hand column, and then click the title of the Exhibit you’d like to update.
- Update any of the fields in the main content area and sidebar.
Delete an Event
- In the back-end of WordPress click on Exhibits in the left hand column, and then hover over the title of the Exhibit you’d like to update.
- Click on the Trash link that appears below the title.
- To undo a delete, click on the Trash link above the list of Exhibits, find the Exhibit you’d like to restore and click the Restore link.
- Alternatively, you can delete an Exhibit by viewing the edit page for the specific Exhibit, and clicking Move to Trash in the top right, next to the Update button.
Forms can be easily added to any Page or Post content field in the site.
Create a Form
- In the back-end of WordPress, hover over Forms in the left hand column and click on New Form.
- Alternatively, you can click on Forms in the left hand column, and then click the Add New button at the top of the page.
- Add the Form Title and Form Description (optional) and click Create Form
- In the right hand column – choose the form field you’d like to add (ie: Single Line Text).
- Click on the input field box to update any options (label, description, placeholder, conditional etc).
- If you have a Multiselect field, click ‘Enable Salesforce Field Mapping’ button and the ‘Live Remote Field Mapping button. Under the Choose Object dropdown, select Lead. Select the appropriate lead object.
- IMPORTANT: All forms must have a Lead Source field and a Company field. Click the Multi Select option and name the field label Lead Source. Map the field to the Lead Source fields in Salesforce. Click the Appearance tab and type ‘lead-source hidden’ under the Custom CSS Class. The Company field is just a single text field and can be hidden with the class ‘hidden-field’ if you do not wish to show it on the front-end.
- Click Update Form to save any changes made.
Custom CSS Classes:
These classes ensure the proper layout of forms. To add a custom class, click within the input field in Gravity Forms then click the Appearance tab and enter a class name under Custom CSS Class. Below are a list of classes available:
- full-width — this will make the width of the input field 100%
- label-reg — this will move the label outside of the input field (e.g., this is appropriate for radio/checkboxes and multi-select fields)
- hidden-field — this will hide the field on the front-end. In this case, company is a required field by salesforce but is not always needed in the forms so you may wish to hide it.
- buttons — add this class to radio and checkboxes
- col-right — this is typically for the message area in the contact form. It will ‘float’ the message area to the right side of the column.
These classes can be used together, e.g., ‘full-width label-reg.’ View previous forms as an example of how to use classes.
Mapping a Form to Salesforce
- In the back-end of WordPress, hover over Forms in the left hand column and click on Salesforce
- Click the Add New button at the top of the page to create a new Salesforce Feed
- Select a Salesforce Object, which in this case should be Lead.
- Select the form you’d like to map to
- Map the Fields — Fields in the left-hand column refer to the Salesforce fields. Find the fields your WordPress form has and map them to the salesforce fields by clicking the dropdown menus. All WordPress form fields must match with a Salesforce field for the information to be submitted correctly.
- Click the Save Feed button.
- IMPORTANT: If there are custom fields in your WordPress form that you currently do NOT have in Salesforce, you must login to Salesforce and create those fields before mapping them.
Edit a Form
- In the back-end of WordPress, click on Forms in the left hand column, then click on the form title you wish to update.
- Click on the input field box to update any options (label,description, placeholder, conditional etc).
- Click Update Form to save any changes made.
Add a Form to an Existing Page/Post
- In the back-end of WordPress, click on Pages or Posts in the left hand column, then click on the page/post title you wish to add a form to.
- Above the body content WYSIWYG editor (What You See Is What You Get), click the Add Form button, choose the form you wish to add. Uncheck the Display Title and Display Description options, and check the Enable AJAX Option and click Insert Form.
- Click Update in top right.
Add a Form to a NEW Page/Post
- If you’d like a form to appear by itself on a page, in the back-end of WordPress, click on Pages or Posts in the left hand column, then click on the page/post title you wish to add a form to.
- In the right-hand sidebar of the page under Page Attributes, click on the Templates dropdown menu and select ‘Forms.’
- Above the body content WYSIWYG editor (What You See Is What You Get), click the Add Form button, choose the form you wish to add. Uncheck the Display Title and Display Description options, and check the Enable AJAX Option and click Insert Form
- Click Update in top right.
Configure Form Notifications and Confirmations
Notifications and Confirmations are used to alert administrators of a new form submission as well as to send confirmation emails to the form submitter.
- In the Forms tab, click Forms and select the form you’d like to edit.
- The select Form Settings > Notifications.
- Click Admin Notification, which is the default email that is sent to the admin
- Check the Send to Email field to ensure the appropriate admin is being sent the notifications
- Update any additional fields you’d like to change
- To add a new notification (for example, to send a confirmation email to the form submitter), click the Add New button next to Notifications
- Add a Name for your notification (for internal purposes only)
- In the Send To area, select Select a Field and choose Email from the dropdown menu. This is only available if you have an email field in the form.
- Add a From Name (such as Mizel Museum) and a From Email. To keep the admin email (which is set in Settings>General in the main left-hand sidebar), use the shortcode {admin_email}
- Add a Subject Line and a Message. If you’d like the form fields to be returned in the email, add {all_fields} to the body of the message.
Options are site-wide information such as the footer information.
- In the back-end of WordPress, click on Options in the left hand column
- Complete any necessary fields, including footer contact form, sponsors (which appear in the very bottom footer on internal pages), social media links and background image and click Save Options in the top right.
In many places throughout the website, images are automatically cropped so they fit within the design. A good rule of thumb when choosing and uploading images is to upload an image that is at least 1244 x 580px. Images for the web only need to be 72dpi, so it’s not necessary to upload a high-resolution (300dpi) image as these sizes may add bloat to WordPress.
For reference, below is a list of crop sizes:
Featured Image:
830 x 320px
Carousel Image:
370 x 156px
Image Gallery:
Large image: 1244 x 580px
Thumbnail image: 204 x 100px
2 Column Layout:
615 x 260px
Callout Image:
600 x 400px
Blog Images:
400 x 240px
Profile Images:
144 x 144px
Site Colors & Fonts
Primary Colors
- Red:
- RGB: 164, 48, 29
- Hex: #A4301D
- Blue:
- RGB: 9, 131, 180
- Hex: #0983B4
- Purple:
- RGB: 138, 28, 89
- Hex: #8A1C59
Secondary Colors
- Green (CTA/buttons)
- RGB: 93, 162, 0
- Hex: #5DA200
- Gray (blockquotes, form background, sidebar background)
- RGB: 241, 241, 241
- Hex: #F1F1F1
- Font Family: GillSansNova
- Font Weights: 400, 600
Updating Plugins
For security reasons, plugins should be kept up to date. However, it is best to have a developer update the plugins on a staging site to ensure there are no conflicts when upgrading a plugin. Occasionally, new features may conflict with the current plugins and cause the site to break.
Known issues: W3 Total Cache has some issues minifying the JS and CSS files and may break the front-page hero section. The Autoptimize plugin may be used in conjunction with the Total Cache if there are problems.